September 17, 2009

Where are they?!?!

I went to the Townsend building before class to pick up a couple of pieces that didn't get accepted to the Spring Show '09.. yes, the rejected ones.. LOL! Since the portrait of my mom did not get into the show, I thought I was able to pick that up as well....... but I was wrong. The lady in the foundations office didn't know where my two pieces (below) ended up.. She looked at a list of names, and said that my "portrait drawing" is still in the New Montgomery Gallery (4th floor?).. That's weird.. I thought only my master copy would be up there.. CONFUSED!.. Then David Choong Lee popped up in the scene and said that one of the directors(?) might have it.. LOL! Had a nice little chat with Lee, and left without these two pieces:

This was taken while I was spray fixing out by our yard in the East Bay.
I just want to give this to my mom ^^;

my master copy shown in the Spring Show '09
(and i didn't even finish the box he was sitting on LOLz)

my fave pencil case, fave brand of vine charcoal,
and my board with Kino ("Kino no Tabi") taped on, because she's awesome.

OK, gotta sleep.. just finished a portion of Anatomy & English assignments..
later dudes~