September 28, 2009

4th week - phew!/yay!/sigh..

thank goodness i had plenty of sleep last night..
because today is: Day 2 of nonstop drawing (tons of homework!)
and Day 1 of sleepless nights/days.. gaahh!!
well, i think i'll have a couple of hours of rest here and there LOL!

Henry said i improved from my first week in his class (jmesohappee!)
unfortunately, this is the only sketch i can post today..
i still need to work on drawing a little faster, and a bunch of other things..

sigh.. i don't know why i draw so different in his class compared to
my anatomy class.. every time i'm in anatomy, I feel like crap T^T
..basically i struggle (in drawing figures) there more :/

(from intermediate figure drawing class)

hopefully my anatomy instructor will give me some time to draw further
(as much as i can) before he criticizes and attacks my sketches..
i would prefer if he attacks them with vine charcoal this time,
because I don't feel comfortable with his style of drawing..
gaaahh!!.. *breathe* ..later dudes ( -_-)v

September 27, 2009

end of week 3.. grr/sigh/lolz

it's been a troublesome week for me:
getting frustrated with my figure sketches in my classes lately..
and folks have been touchy-touchy with my work
(without permission, or assume i don't mind at all)..
i like being helped.. but i wish they would not touch even my rough work..
they can do that on the side..

just a little pet peeve of mine i guess..
sigh.. i think i will be fine towards midterm..

hmmm.. i don't know why i made the reflective light on the
apple and pitcher red orange.. LOL ^^;
we don't have to use a limited palette in class anymore.. YAY!

later dudes! ( ^-^)v

September 21, 2009

3rd week - Monday was fun!

watching Henry draw during today's demo was soooo---aaahh!!
my goal at the end of this semester is to have
fluid strokes based on his style (i'm a fan)
then mix it up with mine (when i figure out what the heck my style is)
don't know when yet.. eehhh eventually ^^;

so here are some quick and long sketches from class:

(i need to draw legs longer next time hehe)

(i think i got lucky when i drew his hand.. teehee!)

later! ( ^-^)v

September 17, 2009

Where are they?!?!

I went to the Townsend building before class to pick up a couple of pieces that didn't get accepted to the Spring Show '09.. yes, the rejected ones.. LOL! Since the portrait of my mom did not get into the show, I thought I was able to pick that up as well....... but I was wrong. The lady in the foundations office didn't know where my two pieces (below) ended up.. She looked at a list of names, and said that my "portrait drawing" is still in the New Montgomery Gallery (4th floor?).. That's weird.. I thought only my master copy would be up there.. CONFUSED!.. Then David Choong Lee popped up in the scene and said that one of the directors(?) might have it.. LOL! Had a nice little chat with Lee, and left without these two pieces:

This was taken while I was spray fixing out by our yard in the East Bay.
I just want to give this to my mom ^^;

my master copy shown in the Spring Show '09
(and i didn't even finish the box he was sitting on LOLz)

my fave pencil case, fave brand of vine charcoal,
and my board with Kino ("Kino no Tabi") taped on, because she's awesome.

OK, gotta sleep.. just finished a portion of Anatomy & English assignments..
later dudes~

September 11, 2009

2nd oil painting

Robert suggested to dim the areas with reflected light.
I didn't notice how bright they were until he told me.
lolz.. next time..

(from Still Life Painting class Fall 2009)

September 10, 2009

1st week in Anatomy class

..i need to draw faster. ^^;

..lower half study. female (left) and slim male.

September 5, 2009

unintentional collab sketch

the proportions were straight on..
Ricky's sketch is on the right
(i like his better, mine is crappy)

(view from Yerba Buena gardens 2009)

1st oil painting

..i really mean it when i say "it sucks".. LOL.
used limited palette. wish i had more time to finish.
i hope i improve from day one to final term :/

(from Still Life Painting class Fall 2009)