September 27, 2009

end of week 3.. grr/sigh/lolz

it's been a troublesome week for me:
getting frustrated with my figure sketches in my classes lately..
and folks have been touchy-touchy with my work
(without permission, or assume i don't mind at all)..
i like being helped.. but i wish they would not touch even my rough work..
they can do that on the side..

just a little pet peeve of mine i guess..
sigh.. i think i will be fine towards midterm..

hmmm.. i don't know why i made the reflective light on the
apple and pitcher red orange.. LOL ^^;
we don't have to use a limited palette in class anymore.. YAY!

later dudes! ( ^-^)v


  1. sexy apple, i was sad that you didn't go to the workshop, i was all by my lonesome self :'[

  2. lol thanks.. somehow i've been having waaaaaay too many typos.. and skipped words.. *edits post*

    oh noes~ Cordell didn't go? aaww.. my bad buddy.. i went to 2 birthday celebrations, one on Friday and Saturday nights.. and i still have that headache.. >_< i won't skip next Saturday's session promise! ^^;

  3. *turns around* *covers face* waaaaaaaah~ T^T
