October 9, 2009

Reference Pics?!?!

...for Aaron (WHO NEEDS TO UPDATE!)
He wanted to use them for his clothed figure homework..
...and for my buddy who kept bugging me to show them.

So Aaron made me pose in such silly ways earlier today (Thursday) LOLz!
Luckily, I had some so-so sketches from Anatomy class before that..
Hmmm.. I was in a good mood :)
But I will only post the ones that were uuhhmm not so embarrassing..

These can be references for clothed figure sketches .....ONLY $5 EACH!

...i kid.
(not really) ;P
They're not at all great.. thanks to the model.. teehee! ^^;

This would look so cool if I was on a skateboard >_<

This looks weird.. but would be cool with a costume ;)

gaaah! painful. T_T

But this one was so much more painful T^T
"Bend more!" ..I'm not that flexible! >:O
Btw, my friend (Wenting) was taking a video the whole time..
She won't be posting it here (on a blog) though..
But somewhere else.. hhmm.. ¬_¬

Later dudes! (^--------^)/


  1. :O did you delete my original comment?! or did i just forget to post it...

  2. YOU FORGOT. LOL. i was about to say "you didn't comment you LIAR!" XD it's cool sheeesh no big deal.. but yeah.. no monkey pose >:D

  3. haha well i meant to post "SILLY JAMIE!"
